In memory...

I remember this time when you were describing your country,
I was so curious and listen carefully.
I've tried to imagine what it could be.
About india, lots of people told me,
For sure you did it like nobody
And to go there you give me the envy.
One time we planed that my guide you could be,
Here at every corner it's you that I want to see.
I'm still dreaming that it was just a nightmare, really!
Time is running but I'll never forgot and never forgive, sorry...
Life is hard and here especially,
But There are too much good reasons not to leave so early
You couldn't manage it apparently.
I hope that this trip to understand will help me,
Anyway to your honor I dedicate it firstly.
I couldn't do it when I've had the opportunity,
This few words are for you sincerely.
I miss you truly...

1 commentaire:

  1. There are places city country song wich remember us those who left us...And our hearts would like to share with them....xoxoxo loves Mamma
